
Keeping track of a participant’s adherence to a complex service plan is a challenge. Case managers must be able to look at compliance across multiple programs simultaneously in order to get the full picture. Using the Juvenile Intervention Court Application, case managers can track and record compliance with multiple program enrollments. This includes short-term daily attendance in a social service program, long-term school attendance and single-event milestones such as completing a letter of apology. The judge and other team members have access to all information through an easy-to-read summary.

The application provides direct communication among court players and service providers about critical information such as drug test results and program compliance. Transmitting information as events occur reduces the risk of lost or incomplete information. The Programs/Compliance screen presents a complete picture of all program enrollments and compliance with those programs. On one page, users get a snapshot of the juvenile’s current activities.
Drug test results
The drug test graphic quickly communicates whether there was positive toxicology. By clicking on the icon, the user can get a full report on how and where the test was performed and the results for each drug.