The Courtroom Summary Screen brings together all of the most crucial information about a case; it acts as an "electronic workplace" for all the players involved in a case. Courtroom players can access the court appearance history, compliance with mandated programs and key information from the psychosocial assessment. The judge, resource coordinator and case manager can record notes to be reviewed by the entire team. By providing comprehensive information to court players and partners, the application encourages a coordinated response.

The summary screen pulls data from across the system — from the Assessment, Programs/Compliance and Court Outcomes screens. The court can access information about the juvenile offender moments after entry by other partners. Similarly, court staff can transmit information about court proceedings and dispositions directly from the courtroom, so all players have immediate knowledge of decisions made in court.

Compliance Information in the Courtroom
Access to obligation and compliance information is critical in the courtroom. Through this link, the judge can access the screens described earlier: Obligations, Programs Enrollments and Compliance. At the click of a mouse, the judge can get an up-to-date summary of activity, link to historical information and see comprehensive drug test information. In addition, the judge can record changes to the strengthening plan — judicial responses to the juvenile's behavior are captured during the appearance and are immediately available to the entire team.